Retinal Photography in Markham, Richmond Hill, Ontario
Retinal photographs are complimentary in our comprehensive eye examinations. The retinal camera takes a digital image of the retina, which is a thin film of tissue lining the inner surface of the eyeball. Our specialized camera can take a picture of the retina in detail, and allow the optometrist to examine the macula, optic nerve, retinal veins and arteries. The retinal photographs help your optometrist diagnose eye conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and floaters. In fact, the optometrist can detect signs of diabetes and assess a patient’s overall health. The eye is the only part of the body where the veins and arteries can be directly observed without making an incision. Your retinal photographs will be saved in the exam records so that when you return for your next visit, the optometrist is able to compare the photographs and spot any changes immediately.
Eye Doctors & Optometrists at Chan Optometry offers Retinal Photography and other Optometry Services across Markham, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Stouffville, Aurora, Newmarket, North York, and Scarborough.